Herausgegeben von Christian Meyer
229 p., 2008, deutsch / english, Paperback, 30,3 x 27,8 cm
Leseprobe / reading sample (pdf)
The artistic works of August Strindberg, Arnold Schönberg and Edvard Munich opens up expanses and abysses of the human soul; they tell of extreme mental conditions, loneliness, anxieties and visions of death, linked with fantastical manifestations such as ghosts and vampires. »Inner necessity« drove the three avant-garde artists to create their work by »directly expressing« themselves (Schönberg), »approximately copying Nature, especially her way of creating« (Strindberg), in order to »experiment, develop and improve«. They mistrusted superficial perception, turning their gazes inwards instead in order to grasp the intangibles of the subjectively experienced world.